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March 2022

PRESS RELEASE – Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

MILLION DOLLARADVOCATES FORUMP.O. BOX 2684DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA92014 PRESS RELEASE Date: March 03, 2022Del Mar, CaliforniaFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ATTORNEY JONATHAN P. HAVENS NAMED TOMULTI-MILLION DOLLAR ADVOCATES FORUM ContactMr. Jonathan P. HavensAllen & Havens LLP3701 Kirby Dr Ste 1212Houston TX 77098Telephone: 713-955-2216Website: The Million Dollar Advocates

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Bad Faith Insurance Trial Win Affirmed

I represented Compass Well Services, LLC (Compass) in a lawsuit against its insurance company, Great American Insurance Company of New York’s (Great American) that recently concluded in Compass’s favor, when the Texas Supreme Court denied Great American Insurance Company of New York’s (Great American)

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Texas Independence and the Right of Trial by Jury

Happy Texas Independence Day! On March 2, 1836, 59 delegates signed the Texas Declaration of Independence because, among other reasons, the Mexican government had “failed and refused to secure, on a firm basis, the right of trial by jury, that palladium of civil liberty,

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